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Published on November 19th, 2016 | 2206 Views


Classic French childrenswear brand Jacadi opens Richmond store

jacadi-richmond-shop-openingBefore I had children I only knew a handful of childrenswear brands, and one of these was the classic French brand I remembered from my own childhood – Jacadi.

I was thrilled when Jacadi opened in Knightsbridge and on Kings Road a few years back, and we’ve regularly bought Jacadi clothes for both Baby Boy and Big Girl.

The brand has now continued its UK expansion with a shop in Richmond. We were invited to the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-themed opening event on Thursday this week, and the new store is on The Quadrant, near other favourites like Hummingbird Bakery and Lululemon.

The current Jacadi collection is inspired by France’s artistic and cultural heritage, featuring among others classic pleated skirts and an elegant dress with peter pan collar for girls, adorable blouses with scallop collars for babies and smart check print shirts for boys.

In addition to offering timeless and traditional children’s clothes in sizes 0 to 12 years, the Richmond Jacadi store also has a wide selection of Jacadi’s nursery range, including sweet cuddly toys, bed linen and changing bags.

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