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Published on November 12th, 2012 | 770 Views


Joining a family club

Our maternity consultant Hattie told us a few weeks ago that I should start taking Baby Girl to baby activities. Although I’m sure Baby Girl has appreciated the light and airy space for her pram in the corner on the first floor at Daylesford Organic in Pimlico Road, I agree that my lunches are not necessarily aimed at entertaining her. In fact, they’ve usually been taking place when she’s been fast asleep.

But in the last three days I think I’ve made up for all the restaurant visits. We’ve clocked up 15 hours at family club Purple Dragon in Chelsea, where the motto is: “Effortless family time, all the time”.

Baby Girl is probably one of the youngest members of the club, but there’s more than enough for her to do there. Yesterday she was in the club’s music room several times throughout the day, listening to guitar play and nursery rhymes. She also liked looking at all the other children and the fish tanks at the club – both a real one and one on a TV screen.

And in between all the fun, she enjoyed a couple of meals in the club’s escape pods, which are ideal for breastfeeding mums, and had her lunchtime nap in her pram in the café area. Later this week she’ll start her first music class, and in January she’s signed up for baby swimming at the club.

Now I’m just worried about how to find time for her to be at home and lie on the baby gym. There’s simply not enough hours in the day for Baby Girl’s developmental activity schedule.

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