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Published on October 8th, 2013 | 790 Views


Keeping up to date with London’s mummy scene

Sue Hill grey roses beanieI was pretty pleased when I read the email newsletter from British children’s clothing brand Sue Hill on Sunday night, where the owner Sue had included a note to welcome me to her team. In the email, it said that I don’t only write the Sue Hill blog every Monday, but that I’m also keeping them “up to date with the London scene”.

What a fab job. This job was clearly designed for a busy mum like me who loves networking, shopping and being out and about with Baby Girl.

I’m working with Sue Hill as a freelancer/consultant, and I truly enjoy being part of the Sue Hill team. It’s not every day you come across a company, which has around 100 knitters across the country and adds buttons and details in a workshop in their cute shop in Tunbridge Wells.
I’m sure Daddy T is thrilled that Baby Girl and I work very hard ensuring we spend more than enough time playing at family club Purple Dragon, hanging out at Harbour Club in Chelsea, shopping in King’s Road and attending fun play dates and classes.
After all, we have to ensure we remain on top of what’s happening to do our job properly.

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