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Published on August 24th, 2017 | 2284 Views


Review: Lalaloopsy introduces cute large dolls with brushable hair

When I last packed a weekend rucksack for Big Girl, I included her headphones, a snack, a magazine, a colouring book – and her new beloved Lalaloopsy Storm E Sky doll.

Big Girl received the large Storm E Sky doll to review, and as soon as she opened her she beamed with excitement. Storm E Sky, a character introduced to Lalaloopsy Land earlier this year, is a favourite from the Netflix show about the whimsical dolls, and the doll is one of the new large Lalaloopsy dolls with hair.

The cute Storm E Sky with bright purple brushable hair – a first for Lalaloopsy dolls – comes with a rock star style outfit and boots that can be taken on and off, her pet cat Cool Cat and a brush. Music-loving Storm E Sky oozes personality, which fits with the theme of the series that aims to teach children that everyone is unique.

In the past week, Big Girl has been taking good care of her Storm E Sky, pretending to be her mum and getting her ready for all her adventures. First up was a music show, as we’ve all had fun with a festival kit we received to celebrate the toy launch and Big Girl and Storm E Sky have both tried out sparkly silver face paint and had a go at playing on the inflatable pink guitar.

Happy times for a little one and her new doll friend!

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