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Published on January 15th, 2013 | 698 Views


Learning about starting solids

I don’t have time to watch TV in the evenings anymore. I’m too busy reading about chemical properties in bottled water. I have around one month to do my research. I’m trying to find a brand that would suit Baby Girl when she starts  solids and will be served water with her meals.

I did a starting solids course with New Baby Company on Friday, which was an excellent way to learn about weaning. After the course, I felt well-prepared. Now I know what I need to do on each day of the first few weeks.

There were a few surprises though. Mainly the fact that the bottled water we drink isn’t ideal for Baby Girl due to mineral levels in water.

It’s best if even bottled water is boiled and cooled. This means that when I go out with her in the morning, I will have to pack three trainer cups with her water and then have her drink from each cup for around three to four hours.

But Daddy T suggested we could make it easy and just stock up on the best water there is instead. So here I am, trying to find the best there is for Baby Girl as always.

In this case though, it’s starting to look like the very best really is the one I will prepare for her myself. And only the best is good enough for Baby Girl.

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2 Responses to Learning about starting solids

  1. Lisa says:

    Are you breastfeeding baby girl? If so, might you think about continuing that. Breastmilk is the perfect food. If you want to put it in a sippy you can, but I would say it would be much better than water. Typically, when first starting solids, my kids just eat very little, and they are still getting most of their calories through breastmilk. I don’t worry about putting a whole meal in front of them – like I would, say, for us. I give some of the food, and then breast feed the rest of the way.

    Of course every baby is different.

    Just something to think about.

    • Tine says:

      Thank you, Lisa! How old was yours when you introduced water in a cup? I’m breastfeeding and plan to continue, so good point about giving it to her in a cup to practice too.

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