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Mummy-time Siblings Beach

Published on October 9th, 2016 | 1688 Views


Learning how to help kids be resilient with The Parent Practice

Before putting Big Girl to bed the other day I did a role play with her, testing her resilience. I pretended to be a bully, and the bully told her she didn’t like her.

Big Girl’s response was: “Sorry!”

This was when I was very happy to have completed a two-hour The Parent Practice workshop on teaching children to be resilient, which I had been invited to. “Sorry” was most definitely not what I was looking for, and I was slightly taken aback by the response.

It made me realise how useful it can be to role play conversations at home for teaching children how to best respond to negative comments from other children–one of the many tips I picked up from the workshop.

It’s not a problem we’ve encountered yet, and when I teach her the brilliant recommend responses from The Parent Practice I’m sure it won’t be going forward either.

As children grow there are always new worries and new parenting challenges to tackle though, and the main aim for me is to ensure we have children with good self esteem, who are resilient and equipped to handle tricky situations whether it is in school, on the playground, or with friends. 

The workshop on resilience teaches parents some key skills in relation to building self esteem in children, and in the workshop Elaine Halligan, co-founder of The Parent Practice, talked through what parents can do to give children confidence.

She taught the group of both mums and dads everything from how to praise children and reward for good behaviour to how to be an emotion coach and empower children to cut the bully.

I really enjoy doing workshops with The Parent Practice , as I like learning in a live-environment, hearing experiences from other parents, and being reminded of how to be the best possible parent to my children.

I’m not surprised the workshop, which was held in a house on a residential street in Clapham during school hours was popular, as succeeding with parenting skills can go a long way for ensuring a happy family life.

And for us, the result will soon be no more saying “sorry” all the time!

London’s The Parent Practice runs regular parenting courses and parenting workshops in Clapham and Chelsea, and upcoming workshop topics include: Preparing for the teenage years; Raising boys – understanding boy world and helping boys thrive in it; The essential toolkit for raising confident and cooperative children; and Raising girls – perfectionism and self-esteem

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