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Growing up

Published on November 25th, 2015 | 1487 Views


Learning maths and literacy with Pippop app for young children

Pippop Learning AppSometimes I feel there are simply too few hours in a day to fit in a mix of everything a London preschooler probably should be doing and experiencing. That’s why I can get stressed if I feel Big Girl has been on the iPad for too long–particularly if she’s watching the toy commercials she likes finding on YouTube.

But in the last few weeks I’ve not had that issue at all. I was offered the opportunity to trial Pippop, a learning app for three to seven year olds, and three-year-old Big Girl has become a huge fan of the educational content on this app, designed to help children with literacy and maths.

To use the app, parents need to sign up for a trial or create an account online for £25 to gain access, and I’ve been impressed with the large amount of content available for this price, as I think many will find it extremely helpful to have an alternative method to teach young children phonics and numbers.

The content is split into four sections: books, games, tests and videos, and Big Girl particularly likes the videos, which cover many areas, including literacy, fairytales and maths. In terms of phonics, the fun videos keep repeating the sound in many different words, and I think it’s great that she can watch a video dedicated to a basic letter sound, for example, repeating something she’s learnt in nursery .

When she wakes up in the morning on weekends and wants to sit in bed and borrow my phone to watch a Pippop’s video, it makes it just that much easier to have a lazy start to the day.

After all, it’s all in the name of learning!

Pippop works on iPhone, iPad, Android or computer, and no access to internet is required. Videos can be downloaded in the app. The app is designed to be used both in schools and at home. 

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