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Reviews learning-resources-cash-register-pretend-play-kitchen

Published on October 25th, 2016 | 1688 Views


Review: Learning Resources calculator cash register with UK money for practising maths skills

learning-resources-cash-register-pretend-shop-kitchen‘Why does she have all that money?’

When we were in St Clements the other day Daddy T turned to me in surprise after spotting four year-old Big Girl with what looked like a pile of cash.

I don’t usually give her cash–but I’m more than happy for her to have the notes from her brand new cash register, an award-winning toy I chose for her when I had the opportunity to pick one to review from educational toy brand Learning Resources.

She had a pretend cash register from before too, but as she’s getting older I thought she could benefit from having one that could support numeracy skills.

The Learning Resources cash till, one of the brand’s classics, features oversized buttons and a built-in solar-powered calculator, which is ideal for children learning additions and subtractions in school.

Big Girl loves pretend play and a cash registrar like this is fantastic for playing shop and making maths fun. Since opening the till, we’ve been encouraging Big Girl to charge us for everything we buy from her pretend shop–and sometimes cafe–input the prices on her till, and calculate the total.

The till makes playing shop more real, particularly since the set includes pound coins and notes that look very believable and are the same size as real UK money. In fact, there are 99 pieces in this set, so I’ve kept some of the coins to the side to make sure we don’t lose them straight away.

For now, we can operate with a few coins and notes, and as Big Girl grows older and learns more about money she might have even more cash–at least pretend cash.

A very cool educational toy ideal as a Christmas present for both boys and girls!

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