Letter to Battersea Park mum in blue car
Dear Battersea Park mum driving a blue car,
I was truly amazed at what you did yesterday. I was struggling to get anywhere with 18-month Baby Girl, who was much more interested in lying on the pavement and screaming than walking in the direction we were heading, and I couldn’t believe it when I was stopped and offered a helping hand. I’ve had other friendly mums give me an understanding glance before, but it’s the first time I’ve been offered a lift.
I couldn’t quite believe it actually. You offered me a lift to wherever I was going, and when I didn’t accept your offer, you even stressed that it ‘really would be no trouble’ for you to drive us.
I feel lucky simply knowing that there are fantastic women like you in London, who are willing to help a complete stranger carrying a 12kg hysterical toddler, a heavy changing bag, a scooter, a helmet and a big umbrella.
I was extremely touched to experience your kindness, which was so unexpected.
Thank you, Battersea Park mum!