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Published on October 26th, 2012 | 1116 Views


Life as a full-time baby entertainer

Baby Girl and I are currently leading a typical Southern European lifestyle. We have 12-hour long days, starting at seven in the morning, but we manage to fit in a two and a half hour siesta in the middle of the day.

One person in the team needs a nap at this point. The other person is most happy when the break involves a pram-friendly restaurant, such as Daylesford Organic in Pimlico Road.

But the rest of the day is all work. On Tuesday our maternity consultant Hattie told me that I can now expect to be a full-time entertainer for Baby Girl, and she is apparently not a playpen type of girl.

She probably likes her busy schedule. Our work schedule is particularly packed from five in the afternoon. That’s when Baby Girl has a snack, watches her Baby Einstein DVD, has a bath, listens to classical music while getting a relaxing full-body massage and has her dinner.

After that, we’re both off duty. Baby Girl goes to bed. I stuff myself with chocolate and collapse on the sofa.

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