Published on November 15th, 2012 | 767 Views
0Life as a London mum
With three months practice I’m slowly getting a hang of being a mum. But I’m not sure I’m completely there yet when it comes to being a London mum.
I’ve just realised I’ve chosen the wrong nail colour this week. I had a manicure at Bliss on Tuesday, but after meeting other mums I noticed I got the colour wrong. It’s all deep red this week. My grey nails look like they’re so last season.
I’m also behind on coffee orders. Soy appears to be the thing for London mums, and I’ve never even tasted a soy latte. In fact, I don’t even specify what milk type I want when ordering mine.
In addition, I need new trainers. I need the ones with built-in heels – wedge trainers. I hope Daddy T will see that I’m right when he takes Baby Girl to the club on Saturday. That way he can start preparing himself for Tuesday’s Christmas shopping event at Harvey Nichols.