Taking a New Baby Company one-to-one London antenatal refresher course
‘Can you please write that I loved it?’
Daddy T was very excited about our imminent arrival after midwife and founder of New Baby Company Vicki Scott left our house an evening in May. Vicki, who has become a friend over the past years, had kindly offered to let us try the one-to-one antenatal refresher course Your Next Baby, and after she’d left we had so much to talk about.
We had both thought we really knew what we were doing this time, and before the course started we didn’t feel we had a long list of questions. But that soon changed.
I freaked out when Vicki mentioned ‘hind milk’ and I realised this was something I’d forgotten about. Afterwards, Daddy T said he’d gotten worried at the same stage. The thought that we could forget this meant we both realised there were probably other big gaps in our knowledge, and we really needed to pay attention to remember what we were going to do with our new baby.
The first time around we did a weekly antenatal course with New Baby Company, and felt very prepared by the time Baby Girl was due to arrive. We hadn’t only made lots of new likeminded friends, but we’d also had hands-on practice with swaddling dolls, changing nappies on dolls and more. After the course, we felt we knew all about what to do in the early days when it came to bathing, feeding, winding and soothing our newborn.
Now, however, I think we didn’t realise what we’d forgotten, and it was incredibly useful to dedicate an evening to talk it through.
We have a plan now. After taking the New Baby Company one-to-one refresher course for second-time parents-to-be, we should be well-prepared for looking after baby, succeeding with breastfeeding and establishing a routine to fit with a busy family schedule. We know what to do in the first hours after baby is born, what to do in the first days and we know when to call Vicki for help.
Vicki is also doing occasional night maternity nursing work now, and since she’s such a lovely person to have around, she would be my first pick to help us a couple of nights if we struggle to establish a routine or simply need to catch up on sleep.
New Baby Company offers private one-to-one antenatal classes, group antenatal classes in Wimbledon with six 2-hour long sessions, postnatal baby routine classes and starting solids classes. Vicki also provides occasional night maternity services and breastfeeding consultations.