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Published on February 18th, 2017 | 1373 Views


A London family photo shoot with Bear and Pine

Bear ad Pine Tekla Telephone Kiosk TineThe other Sunday I managed to convince Daddy T to put on a normal pair of trousers over his training outfit, so he could join us for an early family photo shoot before going to KOBOX with a friend.

After winning the first fight I packed bubble mixture and favourite toys and got us all dressed to get to Eel Brook Common in time for an 8.15am photo shoot we had been invited to with South West London-based family photographer Tekla at Bear and Pine.

By the time we got there, the calm and professional Tekla, who has experience from a top London family photography company, was ready with her equipment in the middle of the park, and quickly made the most of the little time Daddy T had available. She got him carrying the children on his back and throwing them in the air, capturing some lively and happy moments in the park.

Bear and Pine specialises in photographing families in a place that has a meaning to them, and for our review, I had suggested to start in Eel Brook Common with the whole family and then walk down the charming stretch between Eel Brook Common and Parsons Green after Daddy T had left.

Bear and Pine Siblings Phone BoxThis is an area we’re in practically every day, making it an ideal setting for a photo shoot of the family. We had up to one and a half hour with Tekla for the trial photo shoot to review and in around an hour we managed to not only take photos in the park, but also some peeking through the bright red telephone kiosk on New King’s Road, and some of the children on their scooters outside Bayley & Sage, where the fruit and vegetables and flowers were already out.

We also made it across to St Clements, and by that time four-year-old Big Girl was shouting ‘I want to go here! I want to go here!’ and 20-month-old Baby Boy was pointing to the biscuits through the window.

This made for a perfect end to the shoot, as it seemed like an average Sunday, and something that was fantastic to capture on camera as a memory for our family to treasure. We’ve now received many wonderful family photos from this area that we’re in every day, which I feel are truly special.

The photos by Tekla from Bear and Pine include a mix of fun, lively and sweet photos that show the children in their neighbourhood and in action, and there are also some of all four of us up close and looking at the camera.

Bear and Pine Tekla Scooter Eel Brook Common Siblings

I’m thrilled I asked for an early start, as the lighting was quite special, the children were in a good mood, and there were few people out, making it easier to have a few pictures taken with the colourful vegetables and flowers in the background.

If we’d done it again, I first thought the one thing I would have changed was to check that Daddy T wasn’t only wearing normal trousers but also had his scarf and a jacket that wasn’t close to ten years old. But the outfit didn’t really matter in the end.

I think it’s the fun, and for us familiar, expressions that were important, and I could see why something like bubble mixture, which was a prop Tekla had suggested we bring but I forgot to use, could work brilliantly for a playful shoot.

Bear and Pine Tekla St Clements

We received digital copies of the wonderful photos only three days after the shoot, and a bit later we received a little extra video, which Tekla had put together as a special memory for us. I was impressed with the photos we received, and there are a number of them I want to put on the wall.

A memorable morning out and fun family photos to treasure!

We received the photo shoot and digital images to review. Bear and Pine offers a package for £399, which includes a one and a half hour family photo shoot in one location, 40 high resolution retouched digital images on USB, an online gallery to view and share, and three prints. There are also other packages. 

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