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Getting ready

Published on November 7th, 2014 | 790 Views


What to look for when choosing a baby carrier for city-life

After going to the launch of the BabyBjorn baby carrier We recently, I was surprised to see that BabyBjorn carriers like We and One could also be used for carrying little ones on the back.

I was obsessed with this feature when choosing a first baby carrier for our newborn. I wanted the carrier to last long, so I based my decision on this.

I think it’s brilliant that carriers can also be used for back carrying for those who need it, but for me, I should have focused more on ease of use too. I ended up buying BabyBjorn Miracle despite already having bought a different baby carrier from another brand.

For me, the reason the BabyBjorn carrier, which has been tested through generations, was my preferred carrier, was ease of use. I could easily put it on without help from anyone, and I mainly used it in the first eight months when I didn’t need a back carrying position.

After receiving a sample of the brand new BabyBjorn We–a less expensive alternative to BabyBjorn Miracle–I’ve seen that this would be equally functional for those not needing the outward facing position, and great for families wanting the back carrying option too.


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