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Published on November 19th, 2012 | 819 Views


Making bathtime fun for baby

Christmas has come early for Baby Girl. She’s practically getting something new every day now. I keep intending to save everything I buy for her for her advent calendar, but instead I end up ripping off the packaging and giving toys and clothes to her straight away.

It’s not exactly because she’s begging me to open them. It’s just because I get too excited about her new things, and I want her to start using them immediately.

I had a particularly weak day yesterday. I convinced Daddy T to buy Baby Girl three presents for the advent calendar at The Baby Spa. Within two hours of getting home, I had opened all of them.

She had seemed to like everything about the spa, so I wanted to recreate the atmosphere in our own bathroom, and I suddenly decided I didn’t want to wait two weeks.

Baby Girl now has a Lanco pelican floating in the tub, and she gets to look in a fun crab mirror when she’s having her daily developmental massage – now with the spa’s grape seed oil.

At this rate, the advent calendar won’t be too difficult to travel with at least.

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