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Published on October 23rd, 2013 | 889 Views


Making the switch from crawling to walking

Swing playground park autumnBefore I had Baby Girl, I used to be told I looked stressed. I was often seen running around in skinny black jeans and blazers. Now it’s a different story. I can’t say Baby Girl and I were exactly running through the park yesterday.

It took us 45 minutes to walk 400 metres. But those 45 minutes made my week.

For the very first time, I was pushing the buggy while 14-month old Baby Girl, who took her first steps around six weeks ago, was walking next to me. Three times I stopped to film her with my phone, and five times I stopped to help her back up after she’d tipped over.

My little star, who switched from mostly crawling to mostly walking towards the end of last week, was certainly not stressed. She was determined to walk on her own and was happy to take her time. There was no way she was going to sit in her buggy or walk holding my hand.

But she did it. We made it all the way home from the playground – probably setting a new record in the process too. Go Baby Girl!

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