Moving from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding at bedtime
On Wednesday, I was out with Norwegian friends and was asked a very Scandinavian question. One mum asked me if I was breastfeeding. Baby Girl is now 15 months old, and I think most of my London friends would have taken it for granted that I’d stopped by now.
But for me, it wasn’t a stupid question. It’s only two weeks since I stopped. This was not how I planned it at all, but stopping breastfeeding didn’t turn out to be as straightforward as it sounded before I had Baby Girl.
I was left with hysterical crying when I tried giving formula instead at bedtime. Since Daddy T doesn’t usually get home from work in time to put Baby Girl to bed, I didn’t have the option to try for someone else she knew well to give her the bottle instead.
But when I did, that’s what worked. Daddy T managed to be home in time four days in a row, and he helped us move on.
I didn’t even have to come in to save Baby Girl. With him, she was perfectly fine taking a bottle after a bit of crying, and when I came to do it on day 5, she eventually took the bottle from me too.
Well done, Baby Girl!