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Published on February 16th, 2013 | 724 Views


Moving furniture to babyproof the living room

Coffee tableIt’s a good thing Daddy T and I have divided up all the household responsibilities. He’s in charge of the car, finances and document filing, while I oversee health, travel and interiors. The latter is the important one right now.

I need a bit of freedom to turn our home into a babyproof foam castle for Baby Girl. I keep noticing new dangers, and the changes we’re making are likely to be a tad more major than we first envisioned. In fact, I’m not sure Daddy T will recognise our flat when he returns from his business trip.

The coffee table has to go. I read a post on the blog Oh Joy!, which mentioned that coffee tables were the main reason for ER visits in the US for a certain age group, and I’m clearly not interested in having Baby Girl contribute to the local stats.

I’ve found inspiration on the same blog, and I’ve decided to move the current coffee table and use it to block off an area with dangerous plugs. To replace it, I’m also on the look-out for an ottoman, which the blog suggests can be used instead of a coffee table. Only the best for Baby Girl.

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2 Responses to Moving furniture to babyproof the living room

  1. David Malone says:

    Hello London Mum, I like that teamwork approach. If you are looking for some interesting content for your blog or even tips for yourself, have a look at our App BabyProof which makes childproofing easier and logical. It’s a totally free full version App funded by add banners. We are on a mission to reduce child accidents. join us.

  2. Tine says:

    Thank you, David. The app sounds interesting. I’ll definitely download it and have a look at it.

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