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Mummy-time Bitmoji Drawing Phone

Published on July 12th, 2017 | 1198 Views


When mum loves chatting with Bitmojis

Yesterday morning four-year-old Big Girl did a drawing of herself in an avocado costume. She did a drawing of herself with arms stretched out and she did a drawing of herself with a speech bubble. She called them her ‘Bitmojis’.

Bitmoji, a free app by Bitstrips, allows users to design a personalised emoji that looks like a cartoon avatar and I use it for chatting with friends. Big Girl has liked the fun ones I’ve showed her so much that she cut out a pretend paper phone for herself, and now has her own hand drawn lookalikes on a rectangle-shaped piece of paper.

Both Big Girl’s paper drawings and the real Bitmojis regularly make me smile, and when we go away for our holiday together I only have one plan–to get Daddy T into Bitmojis too.

They will be pretty perfect for keeping in touch when we are in different countries later during the long school holiday!

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