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Growing up

Published on May 4th, 2017 | 982 Views


When mum transforms the morning routine

In the past nine months I’ve struggled to understand how it can possibly take me anything from two and a half hours to one hour to get us out of the house in the morning. I’ve been running late no matter how early we get up.

It seems to be super easy to everyone else who are strolling to school and nursery, while I’m jogging with two kids on their scooters.

But this week I’ve been the one taking it slow. I’ve changed. I’ve turned on the TV in the mornings, and somehow it’s helped make us on time.

This morning I was playing tag with Big Girl and her friends before school started, and the other day we got there so early I asked Big Girl if we could perhaps stop by Gail’s on the way to get me a take away coffee.

Baby Boy has just recently started watching TV – or more specifically Teletubbies – and since his favourite show is on at 7am every morning it has worked well to get the children dressed while the TV is on. I then get breakfast ready quickly and pause CBeebies. They have their breakfast, motivated to eat since Bing is on pause.

I’ve tried to limit screen time, but we don’t watch much TV during the weekdays anyway, and I’ve decided that right now I need to find something that works for getting us into an efficient routine. The new morning routine with CBeebies shows that are the same every day means I am regularly reminded of the time and we all agree on the timings.

I’m no longer jogging. I’m walking and chatting to the kids.

Let’s hope this continues!

(The picture above is by Tekla from Bear and Pine and was taken as part of a review)

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