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Published on June 22nd, 2017 | 1853 Views


When mums try PT session with Fulham’s Sam Pepys

This week I’ve exercised three times, and for those who know me well this is not my average week. Getting back into exercising has taken me a good while post kids, but it feels great to finally kickstart the journey.

And today’s session with top strength and conditioning specialist Sam Pepys was a real highlight. I was invited to try a personal training session with Sam Pepys to review, and decided to go together with my exercising buddy.

We turned up at Motus Gym on Michael Road, next to Clip N’ Climb, which we both commented looked pretty “hardcore”. In fact, if I’d been there alone I wouldn’t really have known where to start, and it seemed like the place a professional weight lifter would love.

Sam Pepys Motus Gym Fulham

It was immediately clear that Sam knew what he was doing though. He looked at our postures and movement to identify how to tailor the exercises to our range, and brought out weights for us to rest our heels on for some of the exercises and different bands that gave us support when doing pull ups. At no point it felt like a one-size-fits-all session.

Sam Pepys PT Session TineWe were introduced to two exercises at the same time and then took turns doing the different ones. The session was run at a perfect pace for me, and I was smiling all the way through – despite sometimes not feeling I could manage a single more pull up or lunge and getting really sore muscles towards the end.

After the PT session with Sam at Motus Gym I surprised myself by feeling this was the place for me. I didn’t get bored and I didn’t look at the time to see how long I had to go – only because I wanted to carry on and make the most of our time there.

Sam Pepys, who lives in Fulham himself too, sees clients at Motus Gym, and there are changing facilities and showers at the gym. He specialises in strength and conditioning, body composition and corrective exercise. In addition to offering personal training session, Sam Pepys also has an online coaching programme


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