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Airtravel with baby no image

Published on November 3rd, 2012 | 896 Views


Best tips for travelling with a baby

If someone had told me three months ago that I would be the last person off the plane from now on, I would never have believed them. I was always the one running off the plane and through passport control and customs.

I loved sitting in an aisle seat as far to the front as possible, travelling with hand luggage only and using iris-recognition instead of joining the passport queue when arriving back in the UK.

When we travelled with Baby Girl for the first time last week, I realised that sitting in the first row on an aisle seat was practically the worst seat on the plane for a new mum travelling with a nine-week old baby. I was the first to board the plane, and Baby Girl made it sound like she was starving.

Sitting in my favourite seat meant breastfeeding in public suddenly took on a new meaning. I couldn’t have been more on display as my 150 fellow passengers were caught in ‘aisle-traffic’ next to me.

When we landed we had three checked bags to wait for, and I can see why iris-recognition is not suitable for infants. Baby Girl was not interested in showing us her eyes at all. She first opened them when she was placed safely back in her cot at home.

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