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Mummy-time Tine buggy toddler summer london

Published on July 13th, 2015 | 903 Views


5 signs I’m new to having two children in tow

1. I was running around Battersea Park on a Friday afternoon searching for the iPhone I lost after walking around with it laying on the buggy canopy–not a clever place to store an iPhone for anyone with two kids in tow and a wish to actually return home with the much-loved phone too

2. I stupidly sent Grandma N off to pick up some bread while I took the seemingly peaceful children home, not knowing it was possible to get stuck 10 metres from the house with one toddler stomping and screaming and a baby crying hysterically in the buggy at the same time. (Thank you to the lovely passerby who stepped in and helped rock the buggy to calm Baby Boy while I tried to deal with the other drama that arose when trying to cross the street in a suitable place)

3. I regularly find myself walking around with a headache not knowing if it’s caused by the constant screaming, lack of sleep, or baby toy music on repeat due to someone in the house using every piece of baby equipment as a doll accessory and refusing to turn off repetitive sounds

4. I left the house in a rush one morning, packing spare clothes for the 2.5-year-old who’s not had an accident in ages, but completely forgot to bring change for the newborn and failed to realise we had a problem before I found baby in a wet onesie when I picked him up from a nap in the buggy in South Kensington

5. It’s no longer Baby Girl who says: “I need a holiday” every time at bedtime. It’s me

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