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Growing up num-noms

Published on October 13th, 2016 | 1700 Views


A girly afternoon with cute Num Noms and messy baking

‘I love making a mess!’

When four-year-old Big Girl and I were baking the other day we were wearing tall, white chef’s hats and we had lots of ingredients lined up on the kitchen counter.

We had received some of the cute collectible Num Noms–scented characters representing food–and accepted a Num Noms baking challenge.


For Big Girl this meant taking a tray from a Num Nom pack, which came with different flavours of Num Nom play dishes to mix and match, and find everything that looked like baking ingredients in our kitchen drawer before stirring it together with a wooden stick.

This isn’t my favourite style of baking, but ‘messy baking’ just happens to be a favourite with Big Girl.


In between pouring cocoa powder on her tray and watching her baking powder react in water, she did, however, find time to help me pour my more carefully-measured ingredients into a large baking bowl.

The result was one Num Nom tray filled with liquid brown mess and lots of buns with Rolo chocolate inside. 

A productive day in the family kitchen!

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