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Published on December 14th, 2017 | 889 Views


How to organise personalised Christmas cards in a day

When  we started receiving photo Christmas cards from family friends, I realised I was actually yet to order ours. I was yet to decide on a photo and I was yet to find a card.

But after last year’s one-day turnaround I think I’m done with planning Christmas early. Our last minute Christmas card solution–brought on by the fact that the first cards we’d ordered never turned up–had been perfectly fine, and I had liked the quality of the cards and pictures.

We decided to do exactly the same this year, and managed a less than 12-hour turnaround from start to finish. Big Girl made a drawing of Father Christmas at breakfast time, and I looked through the photos on my phone to find a suitable picture of Big Girl and Big Boy to stick inside the card.

After the school run, I delivered the drawing to Fulham Road’s print, design and framing studio Vizability, and I sent an email with a few sentences to be printed inside the card in red. In the late morning on the same day, I went online to order photo prints from Fulham Road’s Foto Centre Plus.

I popped back in to Vizability to see a proof at around lunchtime, and the cards were ready for collection before the shop closed.

It was the same for the photos. They too were ready for collection on the same day. With some double-sided sellotape I bought from Foto Centre Plus, we were good to go.

Another year sorted.

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