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Mummy-time Water Play Aqua Play

Published on June 4th, 2016 | 1662 Views


5 top outdoor toys for playing in the garden

Muddy Puddles Pac an All in One Sand BoxThe DIY sand box
Daddy T said no to sand in the garden at first. But I didn’t agree. Sand is fun for young kids, and I needed it last summer, as I knew Big Girl could enjoy playing with sand for a long time, making it the perfect toy to keep her entertained when I had a newborn to look after too. I bought a laundry basket from okra, filled it with a bag of sand from Sainsbury’s Fulham Wharf and bought some Melissa and Doug buckets and spades from Igloo on King’s Road. It’s not huge, but three year old big girl and 11-month old baby boy don’t seem to care. It’s simply about digging, pretending that it’s tea in a teapot and building little castles. We pull it into the playhouse in the garden at night since it doesn’t have a lid, but some friends have done the same in a large box with lid that makes it easy to store outside.

AquaPlay'n Go 660The Scandinavian waterplay
Last year I reviewed AquaPlay and the brand remains my favourite supplier of water play toys, having offered educational canal system toys for generations. The one we have is large, which means it takes longer to set up, but it’s then great to play with for a number of kids. On hot days, I’ve let Baby Boy sit and splash the water on the canal, making waves, while Big Girl has been driving the boats around, pumping the water and moving the gates. Go for a small design if you want something that’s quick to pull out for everyday use, or take a bigger one to use for play dates or sibling play. A fantastic import from Sweden. 

The plastic slide
When I bought the Little Tikes First Slide (£29.99) last year Daddy T was worried I was turning the garden into a colourful plastic kids playground. But I simply wanted to encourage Big Girl to spend time outdoors and I felt the slide was worth it even if it was only used a couple of months that year. Slides are fab for playmates, as there’s nothing to argue about–kids can go again and again, and even if ours is small, older children visiting have found ways to have fun with the slide too. A great buy.

The safety-focused trampoline 
I love when Big Girl visits friends with trampolines, as I can see how happy it makes her to jump and bounce around. We don’t have the space, but I was truly impressed when I heard about Springfree Trampolines. These trampolines are designed without the metal coil springs, which can be a cause for concern due to the number of trampoline-related injuries. Springfree, marketed as the world’s safest trampolines, is worth checking out for anyone buying a trampoline this summer!

Halloween playhouse gardenThe quirky playhouse
Big Girl adores her Crooked Mansion Play House from Garden Games, and Baby Boy is constantly trying to crawl in there as well now. The size is ideal for our London garden and it fits a tiny table, a chair and two stools, so several children can play there. We’ve also built a shelf for tea party equipment, and added a doorbell, which is in constant use. Endless opportunities to play for both boys and girls!

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