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Published on July 30th, 2013 | 884 Views


Overcoming Keeping-in-Touch day challenges

Tine HolidayWhen Baby Girl was seven months old I did my first Keeping-in-Touch day, taking on a project at work. It sounded like a great idea in practice. I had an opportunity to combine work and baby, and it seemed like the ideal way to get a taster of how life could be in the near future.

The only problem was that I’d had seven months to get used to screaming babies and loud toddlers being in the background, while the rest of the world  hadn’t shared the same experience. It turned out that open-plan offices are in fact quieter than playgrounds.

KIT days are great, but they’ve not exactly been a career highlight. Working on projects typically means being available to pick up the phone from time to time, and with a crying baby on one arm and the phone in the other it’s not always easy to switch straight from singing about teapots and monkeys to talking about the global economy. It can be hard work being a bullish mum.

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