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Growing up

Published on July 3rd, 2016 | 1046 Views


Creating a personalised My ABC Book with Bob Books

Bob Books Personalised ABCB is for Big sister, M is for Monkey Music and W is for Water play.

Baby Boy’s new book is a true keepsake and takes ABC books to a new level.

We had the opportunity to create the personalised My ABC Book to review from Notting Hill-based photo book company Bob Books, and I was excited to download the iPhone app that let us write a word for each letter in the alphabet and add our own photo to go with each word.

The book arrived only days after I’d finally managed to fill in my address correctly and Baby Boy now has an ABC book that is nothing like the standard alphabet books he’ll see when starting nursery. Instead of simply showing an illustration of an airplane under A is for Airplane, his ABC book shows him sitting on an airplane with his sister.

The cute book goes on to cover some of his favourite people, activities and places, including the first hotel he stayed in as a baby, a lunch restaurant we love, and where we live.

It’s a really cool, quality hardback photo book that can be great for him to read, and wonderful for the family to keep. In addition to featuring the photo I chose for each page, there are illustrations that relate to the relevant letters, and at the back of the book there’s a list of items children can look for in the book, which makes the book even more useful for young readers.

My ABC Book would also make a unique gift for anything from a christening to a birthday for a toddler or preschooler. Three-year-old Big Girl was very excited to see the book, and for her it made a fun read too– although I had made it rather confusing by not focusing on phonetics-vocabulary and, for example, putting ‘C’ for ‘Celebrity meeting’ next to a picture of Baby Boy with The Gruffalo.

I chose many pictures of Baby Boy and Big Girl for the book, which sometimes made it challenging to match words and pictures, but if it had been a gift to someone I didn’t have as many pictures of, I would have photographed different objects and places to make it unique instead.

A fun and creative first photo book!

The My ABC Book by Bob Books is available in paperback (£15+delivery) and hardback (£25+delivery), and it can be made on an iPhone or iPad.


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