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Published on January 2nd, 2015 | 1000 Views


Pregnancy and sleep: Saving sleep time for 2016

When I woke up yesterday morning I thought: “This is going to be the year I get very little sleep.”

I’m 15 weeks pregnant, and I’m already starting to feel uncomfortable at night. I have five and a half more months of this, and I certainly can’t see it improving after that.

I remember the fact that I was struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position and fall asleep as quickly as I usually did during  my first pregnancy too, and towards the end of that pregnancy I figured I might as well do some writing in the middle of the night instead of simply lying in bed attempting to sleep without much luck.

I felt I had to ignore all the friendly advice I received about sleeping. I was often told by friends with children that I should try to get as much sleep as possible during pregnancy, as I wouldn’t be able to sleep much when the baby arrived. But I didn’t really believe in the top-up system.

I know I have to try to get as much sleep and rest as possible when I’m pregnant, but stressing about sleeping can sometimes make it worse. I don’t think sleeping a few hours extra months before the baby arrives will make me any less tired when I have to get up several times at night.

But after having done it once, I know I can do it anyway. I’ll save up some sleep time for 2016 instead.

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