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Published on October 27th, 2012 | 985 Views


Preparing for pilates with baby

Before I started my at-home pilates sessions with Jelly Belly, I made sure I had the necessary equipment, such as a yoga mat and a power ball. But I now realise there’s something else that should be added to the list of essential mummy-pilates equipment.

I need a video baby monitor to put on the floor next to my yoga mat. It seems like something that should be part of any new mum’s exercise kit. Next time I go to my favourite shop for workout clothes, Lululemon, I will definitely add it to one of their in-store blackboards where they collect product ideas from customers. It must be a sure winner.

The reason the video function is essential now is because Baby Girl is starting to get into her routine. She missed our pilates session this week. She actually slept through the whole event.

This was what she was meant to do though. I had planned the pilates session around her sleep time, but the problem was that I was almost more stressed about her being quiet than her sitting next to me in her bouncer crying. I was constantly jumping up to check she was breathing.

And since it’s simply impractical to do pilates in a baby room hanging over a cot bed, Daddy T will have to cough up. It’s not enough to get a trainer in. To relax, his girls need a new gadget to play with too.

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