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Published on January 20th, 2013 | 858 Views


Preparing for weaning

Weaning spoonsI’m not feeling like myself at the moment. I love shopping, but preparing for weaning is suddenly getting to me. I received a list of what to buy when I did the New Baby Company Starting Solids Course, which was perfect,  and I should have been all set by now.

The problem is that I couldn’t resist reading about all the products and looking at different online shops, and I shouldn’t have. There was no reason to spend more time on this, and I’ve now come to a stage where I’m really not enjoying reading about the softness of trainer cup spouts and different types of valves. There’s just too much choice.

Yesterday I actually had to ask Daddy T for help. And I never let him interfere with important buying decisions unless he insists on getting involved. There must be something wrong with me.

I think I’ve even agreed on creating a list together with him and putting it into an Excel spreadsheet. This better result in Baby Girl soon mastering the world of molecular gastronomy.

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4 Responses to Preparing for weaning

  1. Vicki says:

    Hi Tine,
    Thanks so much for coming-and bringing beautiful Baby Girl with you! All the babies did so well didn’t they? Let me know if you have any questions about the kit. I really do recommend the Philips AVENT cups both because of the optional valve and because of the way everything integrates-you’re not searching for a particular lid for a particular cup-don’t be tempted by too many ‘one off cup buys!!’

  2. Tine says:

    Thank you, Vicki! Is it the white Philips AVENT cup, which says 4 months+ that I need? The colourful ones seem to be for older babies, but will the 4 months+ cup still work when she’s 7 months, or will she then have moved on to a new one? I’m finding the cups a tad confusing!

    • Vicki Scott says:

      Hi Tine,the only difference between the Avent cups really is the spout. Get the first stage one with a white soft spout and it will be perfect until she’s one. Get two so you can just sterilise once a day- use one for ‘lunch’ and one for ‘tea’. Talk more on the 30th- hope you can make it xxx

      • Tine says:

        Perfect! Thank you very much, Vicki. That’s the one I’ll order then 🙂 See you on the 30th. Tine xxx

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