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Mummy-time Applewood Hour

Published on December 18th, 2015 | 1163 Views


What it means to prioritise family time

Last week I was interviewed by a national newspaper on leading a busy life. The next day I received a hamper from Applewood with a challenge to set aside an hour for quality time with the family every week.

It often feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do, and there’s a reason why I’ve been up to 1am every night this week to finish tasks I should have completed earlier in the day, such as search for Daddy T’s missing keys, wrap Christmas presents and write 50 Christmas cards (the remaining friends will receive New Year’s cards instead).

We did, however, manage to organise a family snack time, when we could try the new Applewood Cheese Bake (see picture above) and Applewood Cheese nibbles we’d received–and talk. For us, family time at home has to be about taking the time to sit down, relax and chat. We do lots of activities together as a family on weekends, but we seldom have long meals at home together.

When Big Girl and Baby Boy are older and sitting down actually means sitting down and not me bouncing around with Baby Boy on the shoulder, I would also love to set aside time to do family board games in winter or garden games in summer. I just don’t want to miss out on having a young family.

If 2016 can be about finding that Applewood Hour when no one is tempted to check the Blackberry, scream hysterically, sneak off to find some princess accessory, or try to post a tweet, I’m sure we would have a rewarding new year.

Applewood, a 50-year-old UK brand, focuses on smoky-flavoured cheese products for baking, melting or nibbling

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