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Baby health

Published on April 8th, 2014 | 1684 Views


Private options for Meningitis B vaccine

First aid kit isolatedBefore Baby Girl was born, we signed the form confirming we wanted her to have the Vitamin K injection offered to newborn babies in the UK. I remember feeling we were practically making a health decision on behalf of our daughter when we signed the form.

And that was the first of many. The latest decision I made for Baby Girl was for her to have the Meningitis B (MenB) vaccine.

When the vaccine was first released, I was hoping it would be introduced in the UK, and I looked into private options after the first statement from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). At that time, however, it seemed a bit early.

More recently, I heard from Baby Girl’s paediatrician that I wasn’t the only parent asking about the MenB vaccine, and in March the JCVI issued a new statement recommending the vaccine to be offered at two, four and 12 months, subject to the vaccine being secured at a cost-effective price.

I had already decided to go private, as I wanted her to be as well protected against the disease as possible, and Baby Girl has had her first dose of the MenB vaccine.

She had it at The Women’s Wellness Centre and was given the chickenpox vaccine at the same time. I paid £175 for the two vaccines (plus the appointment fee). All about feeling safe!

For private vaccines, we’ve been to The Women’s Wellness Centre, Bupa Cromwell Hospital and The Smart Clinics. Dr Kingi Aminu, paediatrician, has been fantastic. Call in advance to ensure vaccines you need are in stock or ordered in for the appointment date. 

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2 Responses to Private options for Meningitis B vaccine

  1. Ellen says:

    Thanks for this information, Tine. Do you know if she can get these vaccines administered at BUPA Cromwell Hospital?

  2. Tine says:

    Yes, she can, but you need to mention what vaccinations you want at the time of booking. They typically order them in if they don’t have them in stock, and you go to the pharmacy on the ground floor before the appointment to collect the vaccinations and pay for them. Good luck!

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