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Mummy-time Ham and cheese toastie fattoush salad

Published on August 16th, 2015 | 1252 Views


Quick dinner idea for mum and dad with Lactofree grated cheddar

Lactofree Mature Cheddar Cheese Grated‘We have that?’

Daddy T was thrilled. I had suggested we make a ham and cheese toastie for dinner. It was a first.

And his face lit up when I told him we were the proud owners of a toastie maker.

After he went shopping on his own and surprised me with a deep fryer ten years ago he is no longer allowed anywhere near a kitchen equipment shop, and the Russell Hobbs sandwich maker, which we had received from Lactofree in a connection with the launch of the Lactofree Grated Cheddar since Mummy in the City is a brand ambassador for the Lactofree series of dairy products free from lactose, was apparently exactly what he’d always wanted to have.

And right now I must admit it can be pretty convenient. Unless someone visiting is cooking we’re still mainly relying on frozen dinners we prepared before Baby Boy was born,  such as lasagne, fish pie and quiche, as evenings are often spent with me trying to settle Baby Boy every half hour and I’m not up for taking on a culinary challenge when there’s finally time to relax (read: do the laundry/sterilise bottles/express for the evening feed).

But I was definitely up for taking two slices of loaf from the freezer, sprinkle some Lactofree grated mature cheddar cheese on them, some red onion pickle from Makers & Merchants, take a slice of cooked ham and season with paprika. The day before Daddy T had prepared his signature fattoush salad and dressing, packed in the fridge in jars and containers, and together with the golden toasties I had managed to make, we had a pretty delicious dinner ready within minutes.

Easy does it!

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