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Published on September 8th, 2015 | 4178 Views


Review: AquaPlay’n Go canal system for outdoor fun for play dates and siblings

AquaPlay'n Go 660‘Daddy will be very grumpy’

Baby Girl was probably right. I tried to extend the summer last week by setting up an AquaPlay water play set on the kitchen floor. I was so excited about Baby Girl receiving AquaPlay’n Go canal system (available from Amazon) to review, and I didn’t want to wait for a sunny day.

I had contacted AquaPlay, a Swedish water toy company, after discovering the brand at a London birthday party, where all the little guests were playing with one of AquaPlay’s educational canal sets on the birthday girl’s roof terrace. The birthday girl had received the set as a present from grandparents because it had been one of her London-born father’s favourite toys when he was little–and I’m not surprised it had been a winner then too.

Baby Girl absolutely loves playing with water, but since we have artificial grass in the garden, it’s not ideal for water sprinklers, and a proper water play set, which is easy to store and convenient for small gardens, seemed like a much better idea to keep Baby Girl entertained outside.

The unisex AquaPlay 660 (£89.99) set, which we will be taking outdoors this week since the weather has improved again, is brilliant for play dates and for siblings to play together. The huge set, which is partly portable and have two halves that can be folded to a suitcase to take to friends or on holiday, is great for having several children sit around and play.

It has so many fantastic features, such as a pump that lets children regulate the water level, gates for letting boats out again when the water level is high enough, a paddling wheel to turn for moving boats around and more.

It was of course fun to play with on the kitchen floor too, but in the excitement of unpacking it, I hadn’t quite thought about how to empty it afterwards.

The idea, however, is to have fun outside. I’m always looking for outdoor toys to ensure Baby Girl can spend more time in the garden, and I know from watching the children at the birthday party that a canal set from AquaPlay can keep someone like three-year-old Baby Girl entertained for more than an hour. Bliss!

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2 Responses to Review: AquaPlay’n Go canal system for outdoor fun for play dates and siblings

  1. Ashley cave says:

    I Googled this for reviews and stumbled across this. Have discovered thus item too late for summer and would like to get my son it for Christmas. We have laminate all through the house- is it crazy as an indoor toy and how did you empty it out?! Thanmks

    • Tine says:

      Hi Ashley, The one we have was too wide to carry out in the garden. I couldn’t get it up the staircase. I would recommend getting a smaller set from the same company if you plan to use it for water play indoors. Good luck!

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