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Published on October 8th, 2015 | 2131 Views


Review: Baby Touch Tummy Time book for supporting baby development

Baby Tummy Time BookWhen we walked through immigration the other day, a French police officer said it looked like we were travelling with a little Viking. Baby Boy was lying in his buggy, but he still managed to look pretty strong and masculine. It turns out his hard work on the gym has paid off.

Baby Boy’s been doing everything from batting to holding his head up, and to keep him entertained during his workouts he’s been reading Baby Touch: Tummy Time, a perfect gym read we received to review.

When I lie him on his tummy, which I started doing several times a day from when Baby Boy was around six weeks old, I put the carousel format 3D Baby Touch: Tummy Time (Ladybird, £7.99) book, which stands on the floor or on a mat on its own, in front of him.

The book has three sections with colourful illustrations and different textures, and I think it’s great for encouraging Baby Boy to lift his head up, as he is trying to see the different images.

He often gets upset if he’s on his tummy and there’s nothing to look at, and this book makes it easier to keep him happy for a bit longer.

With the book, there’s more purpose to tummy time, and that’s why I’ve also taken it on holiday when we’ve not had a play mat with us, as he’s then done tummy time on a changing mat with the book in front of him.

An innovative and useful book for baby!

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