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Published on January 2nd, 2016 | 1020 Views


Review: Beaba Babycook Portions freezer tray for making it easy to opt for home cooked baby food

Beaba Babycook Food Jar Spoon Baby FoodI hadn’t spent much time thinking about New Year’s resolutions this year, but it seemed like six-month-old Baby Boy had. He appears to have decided 1 January was the time to start eating solids.

Since starting solids earlier in December I’ve been getting used to sitting with him for what’s seemed like forever at times to try to give him a spoonful, and over Christmas he’s sometimes started crying as soon as he’s seen his food, a bib or something else related to mealtime.

Yesterday morning, however, it all changed. It seemed like he woke up to 2016 ready to start solids. He was suddenly opening his mouth eagerly every time the spoon came close, and at dinner time Daddy T was worried he was eating too much.

Now I really have to step up when it comes to cooking. I’ve started making a variety of purees in the Beaba Babycook Duo I received to review, and storing the baby food in a Beaba Babycook Portions freezer tray I received.

I’m a big fan of the functional Beaba weaning products, and I think the BPA-free silicone tray with seven 60 ml cups, which I also bought when weaning Big Girl three years back, is a great buy. The tray makes it straightforward to feed baby nutritious home cooked meals, as food can easily be made in batches and frozen in appropriate portion sizes that are easy to pop out and defrost when needed.

As soon as the food I’ve filled in a tray is frozen I remove the large cubes from the soft tray, and put them into labelled containers in the freezer. I then clean the tray and freeze my next batch with another pure. After repeating the process I now have four different home cooked meals in frozen cubes ready for my suddenly hungry and happy Baby Boy-all set for a fabulous 2016.

Happy New Year!

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