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Published on September 25th, 2014 | 909 Views


Review: Box Upon a Time for busy parents with under 3s

When I first heard about the concept behind new subscription service Box Upon a Time I was unsure if this would suit a mum like me, but that was before I read the list of designer brands the company covered. The list is pretty impressive and I was thrilled to receive a sample box from Box Upon a Time the other week.

Box Upon a Time offers monthly or quarterly children’s clothing boxes for under 3s. When signing up subscribers fill in a fun fashion profile quiz with questions about the child’s age, favourite colours, style and what clothes they need, and most useful pieces, and the clothes are then handpicked and sent out in boxes as frequently as requested.

With many London parents working long hours and leading extremely busy lives, I could see this concept working well for some. I also have friends who simply don’t enjoy shopping for children’s clothes, and this would be a brilliant way for them to buy quality clothes without making the effort of hitting the shops.

When receiving my sample box I had only given the age and not details about my personal style or favourites like regular customers would have done. The clothes were still cute and good in terms of size, but I felt particularly one item was not right for us for the season. The value of the content was around double the price of the box, and the clothes were from funky French brand Eva & Oli and quintessentially British brand Marmalade & Mash.

I think Box Upon a Time offers incredibly good value for parents with under 3s who are always on the run, or don’t enjoy constantly upgrading their rapidly-growing little one’s wardrobes and buying new clothes for the new season. Easy does it!

Box Upon a Time delivers throughout Europe and boxes start from £29 for 2 to 3 designer clothes worth £40-60. The biggest box is £69 and includes 3 to 5 designer and luxury clothes worth £110-170.  Subscriptions can be monthly or quarterly, and be suspended at any time. Exchanges are free of charge, and there’s also a gift option. 

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