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Published on November 7th, 2017 | 1270 Views


Review: My Brother, My Sister and Me for teaching kids about sibling relationships

The other day I was trying to promote cooperative play between Big Girl and Big Boy by reminding them of the play we’d been to see. We had been invited to review Sarah Argent’s new play My Brother, My Sister and Me at Wimbledon’s Polka Theatre, and the play has helped create a starting point for talking about sibling relationships.

The new production My Brother, My Sister and Me, which explores sibling relationships, is playing in the Adventure Theatre at Wimbledon’s Polka Theatre until 11 February and is recommended for ages 2 to 5.

It’s not that we’re in the same situation as the actors in My Brother, My Sister and Me, as the show is about a girl and a boy who has to share a room after the arrival of a new baby in the family. But while telling this story the show explores how siblings sometimes hurt each other’s feelings, how siblings can look after each other and how much fun they can have together.

I loved the fact that the siblings in the play end up enjoying sharing a room, and it ends up being a positive experience. This is what I’ve tried to remind my own children of as well-it’s fun being two.

During the show, both Big Boy and Big Girl were captivated by the show and able to follow the story. It’s only around 40-minutes long, which is great for the recommended age group of 2 to 5, and I think the intimate venue, Polka’s Adventure Theatre, works for young theatre-goers since children sit on the carpet in front of the stage.

The director, Sarah Argent, is known for her plays for the young audiences, and I’ve seen several of her shows in recent years–all exploring topics that are relevant to the age group and presenting them in a way that they find entertaining and interesting.

My Brother, My Sister and Me is another great example of how Sarah Argent transforms the stage with a set that little ones love, and dialogue they can relate to – and at times learn from. A must see for families preparing little ones emotionally for the arrival of a new sibling, and families looking to talk about siblings and emotions at home.

My Brother, My Sister and Me is playing at Polka Theatre until 11 February 2018

Photos by Ellie Kurttz

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