Published on December 30th, 2015 | 1022 Views
0Review: Disney on Ice Worlds of Enchantment captivates boys and girls with a riveting show
‘Look at me! Look at what I can do!’
It was not easy to get three-year-old Big Girl to sit down at the dinner table yesterday. She was much more interested in showing off her new moves, mainly copying Barbie from the Toy Story 3 performance at Disney on Ice.
We had just returned from the riveting show, which we’d been invited to, and Big Girl was telling Daddy T that he would have to lift her up in the air next time we go skating just like Ken did with Barbie.
It was Big Girl’s third time at Disney on Ice, and I love how the shows bring Disney characters and stories to life, entertaining children and grown-ups alike.
The show touring now, Disney on Ice Worlds of Enchantment, starts with Toy Story 3, and since Big Girl and I weren’t’ familiar with this film I wished the section had been a bit shorter, but Big Girl seemed captivated by gorgeous Barbie.
In addition to Toy Story 3, the show features Little Mermaid–with hits such as Under the Sea–Cars, and Frozen. The mix of entertainment makes Worlds of Enchantment ideal for both boys and girls, and I’m not surprised Big Girl’s friend who came along didn’t want the show to end after the action-packed second half.
I was particularly impressed with the special effects in this show. Woody and other Toy Story friends were flying; I felt cold when Elsa brought on winter and it started snowing on the ice rink; and the cars in Cars took me by surprise–real-sized cars rallying on the ice.
By the end we were singing along to Let it Go, swaying Big Girl’s new light-up snowflake wand in the air, and leaving the arena on a high. I didn’t want to put an end to the magic with a balloon fight, so I gladly bought Big Girl the much-desired Minnie Mouse balloon on the way out.
Going to Disney on Ice Worlds of Enchantment made for a fun-filled and enchanting family day out!
Disney on Ice Worlds of Enchantment is showing at The O2 until 3 January. To get to The O2 this year, I drove from Fulham, which took around one hour, and I pre-booked valet parking at The O2 for £40. Valet parking was very efficient, and it meant we didn’t have to walk outside at all. The service was friendly and a toilet was conveniently located in the valet parking area