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Published on July 10th, 2018 | 1251 Views


Review: Double Act at Polka Theatre for a thought-provoking play for families

After taking several day trips and enjoying numerous visits to local parks to make the most of the sun, we were starting to get used to the London heatwave and less panicky about making the most of the weather.

That’s why Sunday seemed like a brilliant day for reviewing a theatre show instead, and we accepted an invitation to see the stage adaptation of Jacqueline Wilson’s Double Act , which has returned to Polka Theatre in Wimbledon. Daddy T was sent on the outing, and came home summarising the show adapted and directed by Vicky Ireland as both captivating and thought-provoking.

Double Act tells the story about identical twins Ruby and Garnet, who live in the city with their father and grandmother. The twins are close friends, but their different personalities soon become apparent  when the girls are about to have their lives changed. The father introduces the girls to his new girlfriend Rose, and he also loses his job, which prompts a move to the countryside. While the grandmother moves into a flat, the girls move to a small village with Rose and their father. Garnet, who is shy and quiet, tries to make new friends, while Ruby, who is outgoing and loud, expects her twin to only stick together with her and follow her lead.

The story is brought to life by a cast of six with dancing and minimalist staging. By bringing challenges surrounding friendships and family to the forefront, Double Act can create a platform for discussions with children about emotions and dealing with change.

Even hearing the story made me feel emotional, and I’m not surprised Daddy T left Double Act at Polka Theatre feeling that this show had opened up for some deep conversation topics.

Double Act is recommended for ages 8 and over, and the running time is one hour and 50 minutes, including interval.  In connection with Double Act playing at Polka, there is also a children’s Double Act theatre workshop on 1 August for ages 6 to 9.

Photos by The Other Richard

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