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Published on October 25th, 2014 | 1115 Views


Review: Grandad, Me… and Teddy Too for preschoolers and their teddies

GRANDDAD_ME_AND_TEDDY_TOO_1As soon as we walked into Polka Theatre in Wimbledon the other week, Baby Girl seemed pretty pleased with me. The entrance area was packed with nursery-age children, and it was clear I hadn’t been lying about us driving to somewhere she would want to be.

Inside, children–and their teddy bears–could sit down on artificial grass in front of the stage, which had been turned into a charming bedroom with fairy lights, a cozy sleeping area and a computer central to the story.

I’m sure a large number of the children in the room could easily relate to the story of Grandad, Me… and Teddy Too. Mia, a little girl, has a granddad who lives far away. They speak regularly on Skype, and she’s excited about him coming to visit.

Two-year-old Baby Girl knows the basics of Skype by now, and she’s used to seeing grandparents on video calls from abroad, so this show must have been right up her street.

She followed the story with interest, and towards the end she even giggled a few times. I’m fascinated by the fact that she seems captivated with theatre performances, and I think Grandad, Me… and Teddy Too is a lovely show for nursery-age children. It would probably be particularly fun for grandparents who live far away to come visit and take the family to see this special show.

Grandad, Me… and Teddy Too is playing at Polka Theatre in Wimbledon until 8 February, and the show has been especially created for children aged 2-5 years. Audience members are encouraged to bring their own teddy to the show, and teddy also gets his own ticket to the show. 

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