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Published on November 20th, 2015 | 1629 Views


Review: Lalaloopsy Girls Cake Fashion Doll for girly girls who love creative play

Primrose Bakery Lalaloopsy‘What should I write about the doll?’
‘I like it. Love and kisses me’

Big Girl has started giving me input into what to write, thinking all writing has to do with letter writing and finishing her brief reviews with ‘Love and kisses’. The item she wanted me to say we like now is the Lalaloopsy Girls Cake Fashion Doll launched this autumn.

We went to charming Primrose Bakery in Covent Garden on a Saturday morning to celebrate the launch with cupcake decorating with Marth Collinson from Great British Bake Off, and three-year-old Big Girl must have had the best ever girly start to her weekend.

Primrose Bakery turned out to be a little hidden gem in the middle of London’s theatre central, serving up delicious cupcakes and hosting classes, and the Lalaloopsy Girls Cake Fashion Doll (£19.99) was a real hit with Big Girl despite her being a bit younger than the target audience for this doll.
Lalaloopsy Girls Cake WashingShe received a new doll to take home with her, and wanted to play with it as soon as we got home. It has since become one of her favourite toys, taking up a permanent space in the kitchen in a washing up bowl.

Lalaloopsy Girls Cake Fashion Doll is ideal for girls who enjoy creative activities, with the idea being that girls can design outfits for the dolls by using pretend frosting. There are two different dolls in the series, and each comes with a pot of clay, two tubes of frosting, including one glittery, and an accessory, which is a cupcake-shaped bag for the one we have. Big Girl can easily play with the doll on her own and will sit with it for half an hour or more, smudging pretend frosting all over the two skirts, the shoes and the bag before dressing her doll.

I’ve also encouraged Big Girl to wash it off herself afterwards, giving her a washing up bowl and sponge to clean it off. Another ten minutes of fun for a little one!



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