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Reviews Personalised Joggers

Published on April 12th, 2015 | 1251 Views


Review: Personalised joggers from for families, groups or events Customised Joggers“Baby brother can borrow mine when he comes”

Baby Girl was very excited about her new joggers. She usually prefers dressing as a princess, but when she realised we all had the same new joggers with our surname written on the leg, she instantly wanted to wear hers over the dress she had on.

We had received the three family name joggers as samples from, and with yesterday being the last night of the school holiday, we were all ready to collapse on the sofa in our super comfy and soft joggers.

We don’t usually wear matching clothes, but the idea clearly appealed to Baby Girl, and I’v also heard some families do it for fun when sharing a ski lodge or holidaying together. It can be exciting to get to personalise clothes for families, group holidays, sports clubs or events.

I loved the fact that doesn’t only do hoodies, but also a range of other clothes to choose from and make your own, including joggers, jackets, pyjama bottoms and more. In terms of children’s sizes, the clothes are usually available in sizes from 5 to 13 years, and occasionally they also have smaller sizes in stock.

Customers can design clothes online by choosing colours and text, and there’s also the opportunity to add a logo. I added the Mummy in the City logo to my joggers, and Baby Girl and I have the text on our joggers in the brand colour. I received a proof from the design team to review, and a week or so later we received the new joggers with our unique design.

Now we just have to come up with another reason to make more customised clothes that will excite Baby Girl. Perhaps we should do a full ‘Go Baby Girl!’ outfit to support our little princess on Sports Day! accepts both small and large orders, and the website is easy to use, including a variety of options and design ideas. Items are usually delivered within two weeks.

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