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Reviews Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump

Published on July 4th, 2015 | 1777 Views


Review: Philips Avent Comfort Single electric breast pump for flexibility and convenience

On Thursday I was speaking at ISPS Handa Ladies European Masters and when I read the program I noticed the session was scheduled to last an hour. At the time I accepted the invitation before Baby Boy was born I didn’t quite think through the fact that my newborn could very well decide to be sleepy before that session and hungry during the session, and as the event was getting closer I got increasingly anxious, picturing myself breastfeeding on stage. The evening before, however, I came up with the perfect plan. I unpacked the Philips Avent Comfort Single Electric Breast Pump I’d received to review.

I read in the instructions that 2-4 weeks after birth was a good time to start pumping, and I remembered from Baby Girl being little that I also started after 2 weeks. Sometimes it is a massive help to have a bottle of breast milk as a back up, and knowing that Baby Boy had a bottle made a huge difference to my stress levels on the day of the event I was attending.

After cleaning and sterilising breast pump parts that would come in contact with milk, I plugged in the motor unit and pumped 90ml into the wide neck Philips Avent Natural bottle that comes with the breast pump. It was easy to understand how it worked–the stimulation mode starts automatically after pressing the power button and there are three pumping settings to change to after seeing the milk flowing.

I think the Philips Avent Comfort Single electric breast pump (£115) stands out because of the cushioning on the part attached to the breast, and this feels softer than other breast pumps I’ve tried. I also really like that there’s a convenient cover, which makes it easier to keep it clean when storing the breast pump in the fridge in between pumping sessions on the same day and when carrying it around.

I’m planning on using the breast pump every day now. It will be my new evening activity, and I’m excited to see it doesn’t take a lot of time–a few minutes of relaxation and that’s it. Baby Boy is all set to practise bottle feeding and give me more flexibility to keep accepting invitations to inspiring events like ISPS Handa Ladies European Masters.

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