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Published on February 19th, 2016 | 1410 Views


Review: Pretend & Play School Set from Learning Resources UK for getting children excited about school

School Set Learning Resources UK‘I’ll be the teacher and you be the kid at school today?’
‘Kid, what shape is this?’

Three-year-old Big Girl was in her element. We were playing with the Pretend & Play School Set from Learning Resources UK together, which we’d received to review, and Big Girl was completely into her new role as the teacher.

She rang the bell when it was tidy-up time and she pulled out the sticker sheet to hand out some ‘lovely stickers’ after ballet. When I’d done some writing in the workbook from the set she even handed me a Certificate of Excellence.

After seeing her imagination run wild when playing with the set, I’m not surprised the Pretend & Play School Set (£30) is a Learning Resources UK bestseller. I remember loving playing school when I was little myself, and I can see Big Girl playing with it for several years to come.

It’s aimed at children aged three to seven, and I think it makes a particularly great toy for a preschooler excited about starting reception soon. As soon as we opened it, she exclaimed: ‘This is just like big school!’

I have a feeling she might be surprised when entering a classroom if she thinks the tri-fold set is exactly like the real thing, but I think Pretend & Paly School Set is fantastic for preparing children for big school, getting them excited about starting school. 

It includes fun school things, such as stickers, homework record sheets, maths and spelling sheets in a little workbook, certificates, pencil, dry wipe pen, hand-pointer and lots more.

The compact tri-fold set has so many details the imaginative classroom game can go on and on.

I’m at least learning a lot of important things from our new in-house teacher!

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