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Published on August 21st, 2018 | 1842 Views


Review: Project Mc2 Perfume Maker for a fun and girly science kit

Over the summer we’ve been making perfume in buckets with water and flower petals. These perfumes have not always had a particularly nice smell when they’ve been left outside for too long, so when I was offered the opportunity to review a more advanced perfume maker I thought it sounded like a brilliant idea.

The Netflix show Project Mcis about clever girls who use their science skills to undertake missions for a top-secret organisation, and the new Project Mc2 toys now include a perfume science kit (£34.99) allowing girls to create their own personal perfumes.

The set seemed easy to assemble, and it includes two containers and two pumps, which can make it fun for two people to play with at the same time.

To make the perfumes, girls can fill the two containers with water or rose water, add some food colouring if they want to, and then take a few drops of the Poppy or Violet scents that are included in the set. It’s also possible to experiment with other ingredients, and baking extracts like lemon or vanilla is suggested.

After the ingredients have been mixed in the containers, the next step is to start pumping and watch as the scents are blended. The mixture makes its way into a round flask and ends up in a container placed on the stand beneath. We’ve used the pipettes that come with the set to finalise the perfume-making and get the new exciting scents into the three practical atomisers with spray caps.

For girls aged 6 and over, I think the Project Mc2 Perfume Science Kit can help make experimenting with scents and colour fun, and I like that the set includes science tools like the pipettes. It’s also a plus that we could get started straight away, as the scents were included, so even if we hadn’t had food colouring, we could have completed our first perfume-making project.

The new series of toys also includes a make-up kit and a slumber party kit, and after our first Project Mc2 STEM toy experience I will be sure to look out for these toys going forward.

I can see the perfume-making kit becoming a hit at play dates, and I think it could be useful to look for additional atomisers, perhaps get some travel-sized ones that friends can take home to keep their DIY perfumes.

I’ve been pleased to see the set has been used two days in a row. At this rate we’ll have to re-think how to place toys around the house as popular science kits would have made sense to keep on display on a desk–particularly one like this as it’s a sparkly and nice-smelling one!

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