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Reviews Rose Petal Cottage Role Play

Published on October 29th, 2015 | 1818 Views


Review: Rose Petal Cottage for sparking imagination and encouraging role play

Rose Petal Cottage Dressing Up‘I’m moving’
‘Where to?’
‘To my princess castle’

Baby Girl, who didn’t want to go to bed on Wednesday and kept coming up with new excuses, figured she could simply move. The move she was talking about was to the other side of her bedroom where she has a new indoor playhouse–her new princess castle.

The princess castle is called Rose Petal Cottage by DreamTown (£99.99) and is a newly released indoor playhouse for encouraging imaginative play. Baby Girl, who received the cottage to review, lit up when I had managed to put up the first parts of the house, and the mum of the friend who was visiting at the time ended up going straight online and buying Rose Petal Cottage for her daughter too.

The reason we all liked it was that Rose Petal Cottage is an excellent alternative to homemade houses many of us have been making with boxes, chairs and rugs, and our three-year-olds love role play, which this playhouse is ideal for.

Rose Petal Cottage InteriorsThe girly Rose Petal Cottage, which I could see becoming a Christmas present favourite for girls this year, works best in a spacious bedroom or playroom, and it includes a cooker, windows and a door to open and close, a pocket for a family photograph and homely prints on the walls. One of the walls also opens up, which is great when several children are playing in the house, as it means it can feel very big.

Baby Girl has moved one of her doll beds into the house, and it is now mainly being used as a new home for her baby dolls. She plays in the house every day, and it’s transformed her bedroom, making imaginative play and playing with baby dolls, if possible, even more popular than before.

There is also a Rose Petal Cottage Tea Time Set (£19.99) and Kitchen Set (£44.99) available to buy, and the playhouse is suitable for children aged 24 months and over

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