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Mummy-time ShoeTherapy Review Ballet Pumps Grey Peython Suede

Published on June 7th, 2015 | 1317 Views


Review: ShoeTherapy ballet pumps for active London mums and soon-to-be London mums

ShoeTherapy Grey Peython Suede Ballet Pumps Pregnant TineWhen I was 28 weeks pregnant my feet started feeling incredibly sore. I tried Googling ‘tired feet during pregnancy’, and mentioned my issue to my ob gyn at my routine appointment, but I didn’t have any of the worrying signs. I simply had sore feet and it was most probably caused by shoes I had been wearing.

I soon packed away old shoes, bought two new pairs of Nike trainers and got really excited when I read about ShoeTherapy, a company specialising in ballet pumps designed to reduce back and joint pain, improve circulation, correct posture and prevent varicose veins and cellulite.

It sounded like the ShoeTherapy ballet pumps, which have added cushioning, a robust anti-slip sole for walking and ergonomic 2cm high heel for optimal posture, could be my saviour, and after contacting them I was offered a pair to review.

ShoeTherapy Grey Suede Peython Pregnant TineI picked a current bestseller, ShoeTherapy Grey Python Suede Pumps (£76) which go with almost everything in my wardrobe. I was expecting to bring out Compeed plasters after wearing them on the first day, which always seems to happen with me when wearing new shoes, but I returned home without a single blister.

They are extremely comfortable to wear, and the sole means they look long-lasting too compared to other ballet pumps I have. I think these will be ideal for pushing Baby Boy in a pushchair up and down King’s Road this summer.

It’s great to be able to wear chic but sensible shoes for walking. No more sore feet!

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