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Fashion Sewlomax Muslin Swaddle Blanket

Published on October 11th, 2014 | 987 Views


Review: British muslin swaddling blankets from SewLomax

I’m always excited about new British companies with quality baby accessories, and that’s why I was thrilled to receive a sample pack of cotton baby swaddling blankets from SewLomax. SewLomax was started in 2012 by designer Emma Lomax, and the company now has a baby collection, including both large and square muslins.

The swaddling blankets remind me of the ones I bought from Aden & Anais before Baby Girl was born. The large muslins from SewLomax are also soft and have sweet prints in blues, greens or pinks. They are available in packs of three, which is useful because there are so many ways to use a muslin blanket when you have a baby.

The large muslins are ideal for swaddling, using as a baby travel blanket or summer blanket, and for use over the carrycot to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for baby. It’s a great buy for parents preparing for a new arrival!

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